

Therapy Services

Pomerene Therapy Services offers a comprehensive program including Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Athletic Training, and many other disciplines. We offer flexible scheduling to meet your needs and busy schedule. Our department utilizes only licensed personnel with years of experience and special certifications ensuring both the latest treatment techniques and quality care. 

Benefits of Therapy


Therapy can help you return to your normal daily activities with as little restrictions as possible. Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapists work directly with patients to identify areas of concern, whether it is loss of strength, motion, decreased ability to perform normal daily tasks, and/or difficulty with speech or swallowing. The therapist will design an individual plan specific to your therapy needs, helping you get back to the things that matter most.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy helps restore and maintain maximum movement and functional ability. For seniors, therapy can help improve mobility, balance, range of motion, and physical strength.

Physical Therapy helps improve function, musculoskeletal health, and mobility. Individuals with joint or muscle pain or those who have balance problems or difficulty walking can benefit from physical therapy. Following surgery, physical therapy can be effective in reducing pain, swelling, and joint stiffness, and helping you re-gain lost muscle strength and endurance.

  • What is Aquatic Therapy?

    Aquatic Therapy uses the resistance of the water and specifically designed activities to enhance, restore, and maintain a person's functional abilities. Research has shown aquatic therapy to have positive improvements for a variety of conditions such as pain management, neurological conditions, arthritis, past stroke, and more.

    After an illness, injury, or surgery, a patient's sensitivity to pain may be increased or the ability to bear weight on the injured area limited. In water, the pull of gravity on the body is not as strong as on land, therefore motion and functional activity are more comfortable. Water supports the body, reduces joint stress, and provides resistance and assistance to movement. Patients can improve mobility, strength, and function rapidly during the healing process.

    Other benefits include:

    •     Improved muscle strength and tone
    •     Increased cardiovascular function
    •     Reduces stress
    •     Decreases swelling
    •     Increased circulation
    •     Increased strength and endurance
    •     Increased range of motion and flexibility
    •     Increased balance and coordination
  • Who Can Benefit From Aquatic Therapy?

    The vast majority of people can participate in aquatic therapy, though it is not recommended for certain medical conditions. Individuals with a variety of disabilities and orthopedic conditions can participate in aquatic therapy. Those with back problems, knee injuries, ankle injuries, strokes, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and those who have orthopedic surgeries are just a few of the individuals who may benefit from aquatic therapy.

    Other conditions treated with aquatic therapy include:

    •     Repetitive Stress Disorders
    •     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    •     Fibromyalgia
    •     Stroke
    •     Arthritis
    •     Obesity
    •     Chronic Breathing Problems

  • What are the Benefits of Vestibular Training & Neuro Rehabilitation?

     Falls are the leading cause of injuries and complications in seniors. The ability to move freely with safety and confidence are essential to a high quality of life. For this reason, as we age we need to monitor our balance, and train ourselves in the "skill of balance."

    We understand the importance that balance plays for safety, walking, and living independently. A physical or occupational therapist can help to:

    •  Evaluate posture, balance, strength, endurance, and the ability to move joint and develop a program that is appropriate.
    •  Educate you on the nature and origin of your balance or dizziness problem.
    •  Provide balance and vestibular retraining, and fall prevention techniques and exercises to help significantly reduce the potential for falls from balance related conditions.
    •  Develop an exercise program that is appropriate and work to transition you to wellness programs and activities you enjoy.
    •  Answer questions or refer you to other professionals if necessary.

    Our rehab specialists treat and offer state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment for balance disorders and movement-related dizziness caused by:

    •     Vestibular (Inner Ear) Problems
    •     Neurological Conditions - such as those cause by stroke, disease, or trauma

  • What is Vestibular Training?

    Therapy is provided by physical therapists that are specially trained in vestibular therapy. The therapist will develop an individualized exercise and movement program that will promote optimal function, safe mobility, and improved quality of life.

    Vestibular rehabilitation goals may be designed to:

    •     Decrease dizziness
    •     Improve balance function
    •     Improve visual motor control
    •     Increase general activity levels
    •     Help compensate for inner ear disorders

  • What is Neuro Rehabilitation?

    Neuro Rehab utilizes doctors of physical therapy with specialized and advanced training in the treatment of the following neurological conditions:

    •     Stroke (CVA, TBI)
    •     Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
    •     Spinal Injuries
    •     Parkinson's Disease (PD)
    •     Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    •     Brain Tumors
    •     Rare Neurological
    •     Genetic Disorders
    •     Other conditions affecting the brain and central nervous system

    These conditions often result in numerous impairments with movement, walking, balance, strength, coordination, endurance, and tolerance to general activities of daily living.

    A skilled and thorough evaluation must be conducted to recognize the best treatment methods, which may include:

    •     One-On-One-Care
    •     Partial Weight Bearing Training
    •     Neuromuscular Reeducation
    •     Hands-On Physical Therapy
    •     Computerized Dynamic Platform Posturography
    •     Computer-Based Movement Programs
    •     Interactive Metronome

  • What is the LSVT Big Parkinson's Program?

    People living with Parkinson’s Disease, as well as other Neurological conditions are often forced to change their activities and life style. The LSVT BIG program gives patients the opportunity to restore their movement and improve their balance. The program helps patients walk faster, take bigger steps, improve balance, improve daily activities and improve trunk rotation with activities.

    The program is a treatment protocol is 16 sessions over four weeks that can be modified to meet the goals of each individual and can be modified to meet people where they are within the disease progression. Working with a LSVT certified therapist and being compliant with assigned home exercises has been shown to help patients dealing with these limitations return safely to activities they have been avoiding. 

  • What is the Incontinence Program?

    Urinary Incontinence is the leakage of urine at inappropriate times. There are several types of incontinence, including:

    Stress Incontinence

    •     Leakage that occurs due to weakness in the muscle that helps keep your bladder closed

    Urge Incontinence

    •     Leakage that occurs as soon as you get the urge to go to the bathroom

    Mixed Incontinence

    •     Both Stress and Urge Incontinence

    Functional Incontinence

    •     Urine leaks when you cannot get to the bathroom in time

    Overactive Bladder

    •     Your bladder empties frequently throughout the day (more than every 3 or 4 hours during the day) or makes you get up more than once to urinate at night.

    Once the physical therapist conducts an evaluation, he/she will individualize treatments to strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles and improve their function.

    Your physical therapist can help you:

    •     Gain control over your symptoms
    •     Reduce the need for pads and special undergarments, incontinence medications, and possibly surgery.
    •     Find the right muscles and teach you how to use them correctly. Using pelvic-floor exercises, the therapist will help you strengthen those muscles so that you can better control your bladder.
    •     Instruct you in exercises to stretch and strengthen other important muscles, so that they can support proper bladder function.

    Additionally, a physical therapist can provide information about:

    •     Diet and nutrition to avoid food and drinks that may irritate the bladder.
    •     Changing behaviors that may make symptoms worse.
    •     Ways to decrease urinary urge and frequency.

  • What is ADOS-2 Autism Screening?

    ADOS-2 is a standardized assessment tool that helps providers diagnose autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children and adults. Using modules customized for the patient’s age and language ability, our trained clinicians evaluate communication skills, social interaction, and imaginative use of materials.

    Want to learn more? Call 330-674-9066

Typical Programs

  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Strength and Mobility Training
  • Gait and Balance Training
  • Muscle Re-Education
  • Innovative treatment modalities such as heat, cold, and electrical stimulation

Physical therapy is a covered benefit by most insurances when ordered by your health care provider.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapists can be instrumental in helping patients to regain or maintain their independence. Trained therapists work with a variety of diagnoses to educate, alleviate pain, improve safety, and enhance functional performance. Occupational Therapy is concerned with quality of life, and can help people improve their functional abilities and adapt to life changes.

By taking the full picture into account - a person's psychological, physical, emotional, and social makeup, as well as their environment - occupational therapy assists clients to:
  • Achieve goals
  • Function at the highest possible level
  • Concentrate on what matters most to them
  • Maintain or rebuild their independence
  • Participate in daily activities that they need or want to do

Innovative therapies, programs, and procedures include:.
  • Education and training in daily living skills such as bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, using the bathroom, meal preparation, and home management
  • Sensory-Motor skills re-training
  • Strength and range of motion training
  • Cognitive Integration Techniques
  • Selection and use of adaptive equipment
  • Design, fabrication, and application of orthoses (splints)

What is Speech-Language Pathology?

Speech Therapy helps improve neurologically impaired abilities to communicate, chewing, and swallowing disorders, memory, and/or communication difficulties.

Speech-Language Pathologists help with all aspects of communication, including speech, voice, language, reading, and writing. Our highly trained therapists use treatment modalities, specialized equipment, and leading-edge therapies to maintain the ability to communicate. Speech therapy also strives to restore and maintain cognition.

To help restore normal function for residents who have difficulty swallowing, we have specialized dysphagia therapies.

Speech therapies and procedure include:

  • Exercises to stimulate receptive, integrative, and expressive processes
  • Sensory-Motor activities to stimulate chewing, swallowing, articulatory, and voice processes
  • Selection and training in the use of non-oral communication aids, including augmentative systems
  • Specialized swallowing therapy
  • Cognitive Skills Training
  • Compensatory Swallowing Techniques

Our Locations


1237 Glen Dr,

Millersburg, OH 44654



1261 Wooster Rd,

Millersburg, OH 44654



4900 Oak St,

Berlin, OH 44610

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