Days are warm, the sun is shining, and back-to-school couldn’t be further from your mind. The truth is, those three short summer months will soon be gone, and life will again be filled with schedules and running from one activity to the next (hopefully!). Before we know it, our free time, during which we planned to get that to-do list caught up, will disappear. Now is the time to plan ahead.As children prepare to return to school, many are also getting ready to join their favorite sport or need those immunizations which are required. Right now is the time to get those well visits out of the way. Every child should have a yearly physical to monitor growth and development, as well as to address any future needs.
Those last lazy days of summer are frequently riddled with hurried parents, desperate to get those provider visits completed in a timely manner. Waiting until the last minute can mean deadlines may be missed. Getting your child’s well visit done now will relieve you of one back-to-school responsibility and offer more relaxed end of summer days.
As a reminder, if your child is entering preschool or kindergarten, check with your school for the paperwork which needs completed. Also, for children entering kindergarten, a DTaP and polio vaccine, frequently given as a combination, Kinrix, and the measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccines (frequently given as a combination, ProQuad) are due. For those going into seventh grade, a Tdap and meningicoccal vaccination are required. For those entering their senior year, a final meningococcal immunization is due.We also offer the serogroup B meningococcal vaccination series, to protect against the fifth type of meningococcal bacterium.
Unsure if your child’s immunizations are up-to-date? Let us check for you. Bring any immunization cards you may have at home and we will also check the Ohio Department of Health website to ensure your child has everything needed to be protected.
Have a safe, happy, healthy summer and get those well visits done early!
AUTHOR: Danielle Byler, MSN, APRN, FNP-C